Book Launch Loveliness

Two weeks ago today, I had the launch party for my debut novel, THE DARK WITHIN US.


I’m serious - I could not have asked for a better celebration for this whole enterprise. And look, I’m not naturally very good at celebrating my own successes - ask anyone! I am the classic “oh, this old thing?” kind of girl when it comes to compliments. Specifically in terms of this book, I really like it when people comment on the cover because a) it is truly gorgeous but also more importantly b) I didn’t design the cover, so I don’t have to feel awkward about that as a compliment.

The author of THE DARK WITHIN US doing a silly gameshow pose in front of her book display, ably assisted by a tall man in a straw hat with a long white beard and jeans tucked into his walking boots. His name is Gregg, he's my auntie's husband.

When people say nice things about the book itself? Different matter.

And it’s not that I’m not proud. Of course I am - I’m proud of myself, I’m proud of my characters, and I’m proud of the delightful team of people who helped bring this thing out into the world. But like, no one wants to come across as arrogant, do they? And I think there’s a chance I sometimes take that too far.


An A4 poster on the door of a Waterstones that says WE ARE CLOSING AT 6:30 FOR A PRIVATE EVENT: JESS POPPLEWELL, THE DARK WITHIN US.

This launch?

This little party in the basement of a Waterstones in the financial heart of central London?

These angels who came to celebrate with me?

(And all the other angels too - friends, family, readers, writers - ALL of you <3)

The cupcakes my mum made that made everyone’s teeth go black?

The fact all but three of the books we ordered in sold?

(the fact that after the launch, some of us headed to a nearby pub… and then a cocktail bar with a group of people we definitely didn’t know?)

The author of THE DARK WITHIN US, Jess Popplewell, sitting at a small table and signing copies of her book

All of it - flawless. Perfect. Zero complaints.

I’m so lucky. I’m so grateful. I’m so happy, I could burst.

And if anyone reading this has given the book a chance, or is interested in checking it out - good god, thank you, so much.


Book Signings, North & South


Fancy seeing you here!