Still nowt, but also not.
Last time I wrote a blog post, I said I had no news.
I still don’t, really. Not, like, book news anyway. In fact, let me give you a quick rundown of what’s been going on Since Last We Met:
I sent 20,000 words of my new novel to my agent, Louise, and am currently waiting for her to have chance to read it and let me know what she thinks.
I took basically 3 solid weeks off writing, because I realised I was at risk of burn out (will probably write about this in more detail soon).
I learned to crochet, and made some slippers, baskets and gloves because I love to get obsessed over new hobbies in a very intense way.
I day-dreamed a lot about my “palate-cleanser novel”, which I’m calling a fat girl cyber noir. Didn’t write anything, you understand, but I did sort of lie down with my eyes closed and run scenes through my head like I was watching a film. It’s got great effects.
Agreed to a bunch of plans over December that I’m now sort of quietly regretting.
Went to the Chicken House Big Breakfast, which was great and will also get its own post.
I’ve also been listening to a lot of Publishing Rodeo and similar content, which is good because it’s kept me thinking about what I want out of this whole “writing” thing. It also reminded me that I got my book deal like, a whole, solid year ago. Can you believe that?
Here’s a throwback pic of Iceland, because I bloody loved Iceland: